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No.34_TOHORI "Backyard-Astronomical" OBSERVATORY sysop 04/1/2(金) 14:51
No.35_Starlit sky pages sysop 04/1/2(金) 17:31

No.34_TOHORI "Backyard-Astronomical"...
 sysop  - 04/1/2(金) 14:51 -

   This is my friend's HP.

There is some photoes about Subaru Tour.
<Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) Opera 7.11 [ja]@218-228-131-103.eonet.ne.jp>

No.35_Starlit sky pages
 sysop  - 04/1/2(金) 17:31 -

   Another my friend has his HP named "Starlit sky pages".

There is another photos about Subaru Tour.

He has his own observatory which he build.
This is his comments abut the observatory.

Makomakena astronomical observatory A MAKOMAKENA astronomical observatory is the observation room of
the small slide roof formula in the yard of my home. Although it is a handmade slide roof,
it is very strong by the electric opening-and-closing formula. Now, it is C11 and CCDpro-5 and many heavenly bodies are under photography.
(MAKOMAKENA took at a time a family's name and the name of one character of the maker, Mr. Nakano, and the Morimoto uncle named it.)
Of course, there is also that Mauna Kea parodies.
<Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) Opera 7.11 [ja]@218-228-131-103.eonet.ne.jp>

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