Lenticular Cloud

These clouds are called lenticular clouds, due to its lens-shaped appearance.
These clouds are formed by so-called mountain waves of air created by strong winds forced over high mountain.

Huge clud watches us!
It's very scary.

2003.11.25 Photo by NAMIKAWA,Kazuhito/SUBARU Telescope

2003.11.25 Photo by NAMIKAWA,Kazuhito/SUBARU Telescope

SUBARU and Lenticular Cloud
2003.11.25 Photo by NAMIKAWA,Kazuhito/SUBARU Telescope

L>R CFHT, Gemini North, UH88, UKIRT
2003.11.25 Photo by NAMIKAWA,Kazuhito/SUBARU Telescope

Photo by NAMIKAWA,Kazuhito/SUBARU Telescope

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