Today's Zoujouji

(updated at: Dec 30, 1998)


There's a Shogun's cemetery in the site of the temple "Zoujouji".

This gate is in front of the cemetery, with beautiful ornaments.

(Date: Dec 29, 1998)

(Click this photo, viewing a ornament;the symbol of Shogun family)


There are many Ozizou-sama beside of the temple.

In Japan, Ozizou-sama is children's guardian angel.

So, people who want to get a child offer the statue.

(Date: Dec 29, 1998)

(Click this photo, viewing a close-up the statue)


A beautiful camellia blossoms there.

Zoujouji has many old, beautiful trees in the site.

(Date: Feb 23, 1996)

(Click This photo, viewing another Ume-blossoms)

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