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Social Study
  ** DCI Japan
DCI stands for 'Defence for Children International'.

  ** Defence for Children International
Defence for Children International (DCI) is an international children's rights organisation that was established in 1979. 1979 was the International Year of the Child. DCI has, as an independent nongouvernmental organisation (NGO), in more than 60 countries national sections. The Internationale Secretariat is located in Geneva, Switserland.
The work of Defence for Children International is based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child that was adopted by the United Nations in 1989. 191 countries have signed and ratified the Convention. All the countries that are party to the Convention are committed to protecting the children in their territory.

  ** Children's Right, Education and Culture National Center in Japan
This is new organization for children which was recently merged from 2 organizations.

  ** DCI Osaka Section
This is one of branches of Defence for Children International Japan.


  ** Hague Appeal for Peace
Hague Appeal for Peace
Global Campaign for Peace Education

  ** Bush Watch
'Sup With The Bush Twins
There is plenty that the Bushes don't ask their daughters to do, that much is clear. They are college seniors now, 22, Jenna an English major at the University of Texas in Austin, and Barbara, like her father a Yalie, majoring in humanities....Jenna and Barbara have not campaigned or reined in their adolescent rebellions. They have not appeared engaged in any of the pressing issues their generation will inherit, nor shown empathy for the struggles facing their mother and their father, the president of the United States. They have not treated with respect their Secret Service details, those highly trained men and women who literally would take a bullet for them....They are girls born rich, blessed with intelligence, good looks, trust funds, loving parents, boundless opportunities, freedom from many of life's daily vexing challenges. Yet they persist in seeing themselves as victims of daddy's job

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